Our Goodness What Makes Us Special
SIRE Inspection
The SIRE Programme is a tanker risk assessment tool of value to charterers, ship operators, terminal operators and government bodies concerned with ship safety.
The SIRE system is a very large database of up-to-date information about tankers and barges. Essentially, SIRE has focused tanker industry awareness on the importance of meeting satisfactory tanker quality and ship safety standards.
Since its introduction, the SIRE Programme has received industry-wide acceptance and participation by both OCIMF Members, Programme recipients and by ship Operators. The expansion of Barges and small vessels into SIRE was inaugurated in late 2004.

OCIMF (The Oil Companies International Marine Forum), through its best-practice guide Tanker Management and Self Assessment (TMSA), has challenged tanker owners and operators to evaluate their approach to the ISM Code, to improve their management systems and to demonstrate a strong commitment to safety and environmental excellence.
The TMSA guide provides a standard framework to assess a ship operators management system. The Tanker Management and Self Assessment guide is a tool created by the OCIMF to help ship operators measure and improve on their management systems.
The TMSA provides a standard framework to assess a ship operators management system. The main concept is for the tanker operator to audit their own operational safety, quality and environmental procedures.
Ship Management
The constant improvement of operational excellence through safety, energy efficiency and environmental clauses seems to be the price the Companies must pay for continuing their presence in the ‘Sailing Commerce’ within the 21st century.
It is evident that the market is putting pressure on the ship operators to establish continuous evaluation of their operations performance related to the ‘hot trends’ of safety and environmental issues.
Our Marine Management branch has been providing support to many leading ship management companies while gaining significant experience in the development and implementation of Management Systems and assurance schemes in accordance with the following:
◦ ISM and ISPS Codes ◦ TMSA requirements ◦ ISO 9001, 14001 & 50001 standards ◦ OHSAS 18001 standard

Pre-Vetting & Safety Training
A good ranking in the OCIMF/SIRE Database is an essential tool for independent owners of tanker vessels in order to ensure employment for their vessels. A Pre-vetting Inspection can help minimising or even eliminating the risk of negative observations during a SIRE Vetting, thus maintaining a low observation score in the database.
During a Pre-vetting Inspection we visit the vessel and perform an in-depth inspection covering all areas on board in relation to the SIRE Vetting programme with special focus on the Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) in order to prepare the vessel for an upcoming vetting.
The overall objective is to identify any deficiencies which, according to the inspector’s experience, are likely to cause a negative response during a SIRE Vetting. During the inspection the crew responsible for the various departments on board are given on the spot guidance in order to prepare them best possible for a vetting.
The Master is provided with a summary and guidance prior to the inspector leaving the vessel. Upon request we can also assist with Owner’s response following a SIRE Vetting with negative observations. It is evident that the people of an organisation are its most valuable asset.
Pre-Hire & Pre-Purchase Surveys
The firm’s experienced surveyors are in a position to conduct almost all kinds of inspections and audits on vessels and their machinery or equipment.

ISM & Navigation Audits
The Company can conduct worldwide real-time navigational audits with the purpose of checking the general navigation competence onboard a vessel.
Navigational audits are carried out to verify safety of navigation, ensure effective and consistent application of navigational practices and bridge procedures in accordance with regulatory and industry requirements.
Bulk Carrier Inspection
We carries out inspections of dry bulk vessels, mostly Capesize, Panamax and Handysize vessels, on behalf of the specialist ship vetting company.